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March 23, 2005



In my own research, I noticed that immigrants in the UK remittances sent from the UK through formal channels in 2001 was $73.2bn.
This exceeds the amount of foreign aid, and of course the amount sent through informal channels would be huge also.

Forget charity, the best thing we can do for developing countries is to open trade and borders.


It may not only exceed the amount of foreign aid, it is surely going to be better spent?

Andrew Milner

I found this on the web and thought it deserved dissemination.
"The author Nevil Shute had a theory about the effect of prolonged emigration from the UK - he felt that it would accelerate the slide into socialism and federalism, since the people who left would tend to be risk-takers, conservative or liberal in their views, while those who stayed would be risk-averse and more inclined to look for a government to look after them. Maybe he was right."
Would help to explain the current state of terminal meltdown.

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