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May 26, 2005


Tim Worstall

I might not have been clear enough in this line:
“it is trade, with the associated playing out of comparative advantage and the division of labour, that makes places rich.”
I meant that to not refer excelusively to cross border trade, but to trade in general, even it’s me swapping my carrots for his broad beans with the guy next door. On that level I’m not sure that there can be disagreement.


If we're being mega-pedantic, I'd rather this read: "it is trade, with the associated playing out of comparative advantage and the division of labour, that makes people as rich as they can be, given their factor endowments." This leaves open the question of whether trade or tariffs are the best way to develop factors - that is, whether "infant industry" arguments have any weight. (I don't think they often do). Someone who is an unskilled numbskull won't get rich through trade - they'll have to go into government instead.

Andrew Duffin

Wasn't it Adam Smith who said that all you need, for a country to improve from squalor to glory, is property rights, low taxes, and the rule of law? (Or some paraphrase of that). I've always thought he was pretty much spot-on; it sounds as if you agree.

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