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October 04, 2005



The message? A dynamic economy is not necessarily good for companies or shareholders.

- Yes BUT aren't US companies normally traded at far more generous multiples of earnings/profit? Which would be good for shareholders

Paddy Carter

now if I remember my Roemer correctly isn't the degree of exploitation (after Marx) more or less analogous to the degree of profitability (surplus retained by capitalist)?

So the degree of economic justice is greater in the US than the UK, if you're a Marxist at least? Do you think we should tell the SWP?

If, though, returns are measured against the risk free rate, we would expect the UK to be a couple of percentage points higher than the US wouldn't we. This is not to address the question of trends though, which is your point.

Chris Williams

As well as Marx, how relevant is Burnham here? Is the corporate sector in the US consuming more of the profit itself, through massive salaries and benefits, before it gets to the shareholders?

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