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November 02, 2005


Backword Dave

"I have, which will surprise you, been speculating -- partly in American funds, but more especially in English stocks, which are springing up like mushrooms this year (in furtherance of every imaginable and unimaginable joint stock enterprise), and forced up to quite an unreasonable level and then, for the most part, collapse. In this way, I have made over 400 and now that the complexity of the political situation affords greater scope, I shall begin all over again. It's a type of operation that makes small demands on one's time, and it's worth while running some risk in order to relieve the enemy of his money."

Karl Marx to Lion Philips, 1864. Quoted in Francis Wheen, Karl Marx, p268. Wheen notes that "some scholars have assumed that Marx simply invented the story" but concedes that "it may be true."

(Double posted at PooterGeek.)


“what kind of socialist buys shares?” An ex-socialist.


Not your fathers kind of socialist, then.

Glad to hear it.


If you have a good stock portfolio then you can afford to be a socialist.

Phil Hunt

Surely being a socialist is grounds for expulsion from New Labour?

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