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January 29, 2006


John East

You make a lot of good points which I agree with, but the reason reform along the lines you discussed probably will not happen in the foreseeable future can be seen on the Nulabour back benches in the House of Commons. The left is deeply suspicious to the point of paranoia of any proposed reform, especially that which would take power from the LEA's. It sees selection lurking behind any proposal for change.

Reform can only happen if the left becomes more pragmatic. I am not holding my breath.

Laurent GUERBY

There are many co-operatives, but I've not seen that many economic studies of what part of the global market do they have, are they more productive when they compete with traditional firms, is the max pay/min pay ratio pertinent, do they live longer, etc...

I guess traditional firms give more money to economists so economists talk about these only :).


If vouchers were introduced, presumably such co-ops would flourish. They'd each need to think about how they would raise capital, of course.


one can work without having a stake in a firm and not "regard customers as an interruption to
their indolence".. It depends for exemple of the skilful and the ethic of staff's management.
Does it responsabilize the salaries? or does it treat them like children by keeping them under close surveillance?
I saw in my life some examples of good and fair management, it works..

we must be careful on the principle of having stake in firm : even if it is a seducing idea (and which
sounds fair) it can be on detriment of wages.. who take the decisions? who manage the firm?
what is the incidence of accounting management on dividends, etc
there are several shareholding modalities

stimulate competition between individuals is not necessarily the best solution for entreprise :
promoting of fair, adulte and responsably co-operation between workers can have better results.
(and is better ethically)


I have to say I like the idea of a school worker's co-operative where the Head Teacher was elected - that'd be cool.

Patrick Crozier

But if the John Lewis model is so good why hasn't it come to dominate? The other high-street co-operative (aptly named the Co-Op) seems to have disappeared.

If there are barriers hear what they are and remove them. But if there aren't then I suppose we have see JLP as an anomaly.

Anyway, is being a John Lewis Partner so very different from holding shares?


is being a John Lewis Partner so very different from holding shares?

Does it matter?

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