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June 20, 2006



Careful. If this ever got out, copies of the Daily Mail would spontaneously burst into flame.


Well, he can house all the pederasts in Dorneywood and such, now that his cabinet ministers are scared to accept use of such piles. Prob solved!


"These results suggest that individuals have a significant distaste for living in close proximity to a known sex offender."

Next they'll be telling us the Pope's a Catholic...

andrew duffin

Hmm, not sure about this.

Are there not two different mobs who are hysterical about these two things?

The House Price mob is relatively wealthy middle-class people, whereas the paedo-mob is, well, maybe this is going somewhere politically unacceptable, but you know what I mean.

Blair might actually be opposed on good grounds of principle, but if so that would be a first...

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