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June 29, 2007


Workshy Fop

All the same, in the entertainment industry, where big companies have huge amounts of finance to chuck at bands, it generally won't lead to improved quality. They'll just sign loads of bands and hope that something hits, rather than nurturing a particularly talented artist, and helping them to develop a career.

It also tends to suffocate independent labels, who can't compete. Like Chelsea taking all the best 15 year old players from round the country and sticking them in the reserves for years, rather than them getting chance to learn their trade properly, like Keegan or Steve Bould or someone.

Maybe the first time those two have been compared, actually.


Isn't this a little bit what the internet is able to provide particularly in the music sector. Talented (and not so talented) artists can be put in front of many ears at very little cost to the artist themselves.

Such famous successes include Arctic Monkeys, Lily Allen and Sandi Thom. Oh hang on...


What the Spice Girls show is that talent is an over-rated commodity.

Though the Spice Girls' success was unpredicable, the likelihood that a group of dubious talents should be successful in the mid to late 1990s was farily high.

Though it's not entirely a zero sum game, how many successful bands, books or businesses can there be at any one time? Most industries can only support a certain number of suppliers. "How many great-selling books, popular bands or successful companies have we not had because they've been turned down?" you ask. Lots of bands, books and business have the potential to succeed but by-and-large only a few will actually do so whether the selection process is an A&R man, a financier or the cut and thrust of a liberalised market. However they get there, good luck and fortunate timing will play at least as large a part as talent in becoming successful. In business - and especially the music business - talent is usually not the most important factor.


Was this blog post simply an excuse to put the picture of the Spice girl you fancy most Chris? I think so! heh.


Bruvce is right.

Art is a mirror. We look at art and hope to see our dreams and aspirations reflected back to us.

listen to Paul Potts on You Tube singing Nessun Dorma. Then listen to Pavarotti singing the same. Pavarotti is clearly technically better, but for most of us Paul Potts is the man we see when we look in the mirror, and that's why we respond much more to the Paul Potts's of the world than to the Pavarotti's.

Workshy Fop

James, is it worth pointing out that Sndi Thom's dubious success can be put down to a promotion company spending tens of thousands on her, whilst presenting her as some sort of bedroom entrepreneur, and lily allen's success is entirely the product of media nepotism?

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