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August 28, 2007


Maynard Handley

"Bryan is treating marriage as if it's an agreement between homos economicus"
And Megan McArdle is not? She certainly sees everything else through the lens of economics.

This is an argument between blind and blinder; no different from two theologians of whatever faith you prefer to make fun of arguing over the color of god's hair. Why bother getting involved?


Word to the wise, Dillowbert. When you do get a wife, do not teach her to use your tools. For then you will never find one in the right place again. Whether you rage or plead, never again.


Agreed - fairly poor use of economic concepts by Caplan.

From the post you link:

"What if a man has a much higher wage than his wife, but can't clean, cook, or shop to save his life?"

He should bloody well learn, I suppose most women would say - and not just women. Surprised he didn't justify marriage inequality in terms of the division of labour...


Dearieme - since I am quite a proficient with tools (and where they go) as my husband, could I suggest you might wish to adjust your stereotypes to take account of, like, individuals?


I wonder why anybody takes Caplan seriously. He is just like the 9 grade class stirrer.

arturo pena

I sincerely believe men and women are equal in marriage, but, been a man, I tend to look for handy women every time I try. Given the chance I think men will always chouse an orderly woman, at least for us that's more important than money.

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Men don't want to do their fair share of housework because it's not fun. Working for pay is more fulfilling. Since men almost always make more money than women (even for the same work) they will use this con to get out of housework, which is unpleasant for all of us, every time. Men do not do things they don't like to do. Period.

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