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August 17, 2007



The comments on Guido's site are a world unto themeselves, aren't they. Apparently Gordon Brown is responsible for the Dow Jones falling.

I posted something about this a few weeks ago - I imagine an economic downturn (though I take on board your points) won't harm Brown that much, as in troubled times you really don't want George Osborne in charge, do you?

Guido Fawkes

My point is actually that he claimed the credit for the good times, he will reap the blame for bad times.

Fair? No. That's the way it is though.

Oh and bullshit, a 10% fall in a month is a big event, as a lot of quant funds have just found out.


What the quant funds have found out is that they don't understand risk.

Guido Fawkes

The Fed has just made an emergency cut of 50 basis points.

Are they "not serious people"? Is "this is a pretty ordinary event"?

Here *** take this cloth *** wipe the egg off your face.

Don't tell an old bond trader about standard deviations.

Guido Fawkes

The Fed has just made an emergency cut of 50 basis points.

Are they "not serious people"? Is "this is a pretty ordinary event"?

Here *** take this cloth *** wipe the egg off your face.

Don't tell an old bond trader about standard deviations.


Guido, kindly cite Brown ever promising to "end boom and bust" in the stock market. Whilst you're at it, can you explain what role he has in NR's lending practices?


“The impact on the broader economy and financial markets of the problems in the sub-prime market seems likely to be contained” - Ben Bernanke, March 28.
He needs the cloth more than me.
The fact the market's up so much today could, of course, corroborate my view that the fall is/was indeed "no big deal."

Guido Fawkes

The Fed has just made an emergency cut of 50 basis points.

Are they "not serious people"? Is "this is a pretty ordinary event"?

Here *** take this cloth *** wipe the egg off your face.

Don't tell an old bond trader about standard deviations.


Don't spam a better blogger. Cunt.

Guido Fawkes

Have no idea what happened there - particularly the 6pm repeat.

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