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September 20, 2007




what pays is an overbearing sense of your own self-importance, an indifference to spending time with your family, a love of political power-plays and an ability to seemingly speak fluently and intelligently without actually saying anything remotely coherent (a talent not to be sneezed at).

i speak from experience.

Matt Munro

Intersting that the marginal effect is larger for men. A lot of organisations enforce a dress code for men but not women, the (deeply sexist) argument being that women know what is/is not appropriate for the work environment. Having seen some of the crimes against fashion (usually perpetuated by men) on "dress down friday" I think they have a point.
I can see a couple of flaws with this research, one is the question of direction of effect. As one moves up an organisation/profession, appearance becomes increasingly important, as social interractions become more frequent, more public and more significant as determinants of earnings for the individual and the organisation. So perhaps higher earners spend more time grooming because they recognise that appearance has become more imporant. In other words extra grooming is an effect of higher earnings, rather than a cause.
An alternative explanation is that earnings tend to increase with age, and the older you are, the more time you potentially need to spend making yourself presentable !
Only have time to read the abstract so not sure if the above were controlled for in the research.


It is a direct result of an economy where the fundamental valuable skill is salesmanship rather than craftmanship. That won't turn around until inequality disappears unfortunately.


"You can’t polish a turd": oh yes you can. Take lactulose and they emerge ready sheened.

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