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October 30, 2007



You didn't blot out his NI number. Shame on you.

Chris C

I'd have thought someone earning that much cashola wouldn't PAYE...

Surreptitious Evil

Surely the "Cham Lea Sal Incr" at some 12.8% counts as a performance bonus of sorts? Similar in %age, if not value, to the profit share of retail bank workers below exec level?

Jon Gregory

When Mr Shankly was Manager the players wages were driven by success, so much for a win, position in league table, number of spectators etc were all major factors in players pay.
Happy Days!!!

Surreptitious Evil

And a BBC (http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/england/merseyside/7071296.stm) mention too. All in a day's blogging :)


Your missing the real incentive payments because they aren't there. It is the change in what Mr Riise could earn somewhere else.

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