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February 18, 2008



This reminds me of Robert Waldmann's offer to find a neo-classical theoretical construction to match any given prior proposal.

But yes, we should try always to promote the end goal (social stability) and not just the means (traditional marriage). Prescriptive policy is not the right way to go about things.


You can make a study to show anything you want. Look at the wacky farce "fairtax" for example.

People will believe almost ANY nonsense, if its fed them in certain ways. SOmething presented by authority figure, that lets them feel part of a group, and gives them something for nothing, is almost irresistable.

Fairtax is a wacked out farce, a mathematically absurdity that pretends to be able to tax the federal government to pay the federal goverment. Its as crazy as any farce ever presented.

But gullible people are buying it.

I hope we actually get the lunatic tax, I would love to watch it.


We could tax women more than men.
That would create an artificial imbalance even in the same social circles, which can be compensated for by marriage.

Of course it might not be popular with certain sections of society such as lesbian women.

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