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March 25, 2009



"Whose opinion would you trust - that of informed traders, or the semi-literate commenters on some blog?"

Well, either is likely to do better than a highly trained macroeconomist, eh?

Tom Freeman

There's also a clue in the BBC coverage:

"The UK Treasury has failed to sell all its government bonds in an auction for the first time since 2002."

Of course, we all remember the great financial crash of 2002...


Axctually, its either complete incompetence or a dastardly right wing plot.
Personally, I favour the incompetence theory

kardinal birkutzki

"The financial end is not nigh". Do you mean that in the same sense that our currency moving from $2 to $1.35 in six months did not constitute a run on the pound?

Dave Cole

The Guardian reports that today’s sale received £2.98bn bids for £1.1bn of gilts.



Cyber Rainbow

wait until you need wheel barrows of cash to buy a loaf of bread. then panic.

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