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June 24, 2009


tom s

Ironically, Ms. Anderson is Canadian.

Frank H Little

Next, Lolo Ferrari and the speed of European recovery.


Very good article.

In my opinion, it is all a matter of market timing. It does not matter if it is gold, oil, or Microsoft, if you have access to good market timing signals, they will help you get in and out at a profit.

No guarantees in this business, but if they are right most of the time, you can still make $s.

There are may web sites providing them out there (search Google). Just find one that works and use it! Check out http://invetrics.com as an example.

Its Dow Jones timing signals are up 43% as of 6/23/09 while the Dow is up just 29% off its March lows.

Following a market timing system works!


Good to see somebody give Pamela proper credit for her work. I've often thought it was ultimately cheesy pop American culture that brought down the Soviet Union. Now it looks like bosom's boosting the dollar. Whatever works.

The Welsh

I disagree that risk is quantifiable. It is only partly quantifiable, which is why it so problematic: there is a strong temptation to focus on the quantifiable part, which is what leads us astray again and again.

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I agree, familiarity arises in part from the spread of the English language. But it‘s also the result of the US’s cultural hegemony. The universal popularity of American film, TV and music has helped make the US seem well known to foreigners.

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