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December 16, 2009


Giles Wilkes

Thanks Chris

This is the element of the nef study I did not have the patience or subtlety to include. nef-types have an utterly different approach to value and knowledge, which is painfully revealed in this study. The idea of an objective "what you're worth" is semi-religious, though given a very spurious empirical-analytical sheen in this case.

As you say, even the information in value free format is impossible to ascertain. What any of us are "worth" - the same challenge but even more difficult because of the extra factor of value - is quite impossible.

Whereof one cannot speak, thereof one must be silent - Tractatus 7.

Luis Enrique

"What strikes me, though, is that nef is, in an important sense, on the same side as the bankers they try to demonise."

on the same side, but erring to some degrees of magnitude greater extent


Indeed, Luis. At least the bankers only thought they could determine value for their OWN company. The nef paper claims to be able to assess value through the ENTIRE economy. and through such a laughably simple-minded analysis that I had trouble believing it wasn't some sort of elaborate ruse.

Account Deleted

I have to agree with you "knowledge cannot be quantified"...


And a lot of it reflects a switch from bank deposits to securities; foreigners “other investments” in the UK, http://www.watchgy.com/ mostly bank deposits, fell by £143.2bn in Q1. And of course there’s no guarantee such buying will continue.

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