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February 18, 2010


Leigh Caldwell

Both very good points - the selection effect seems likely to be especially relevant.

Robert Arbon

Interesting. I would like to know what is the role of expectations in the hiring decision. Would the impact of a NMW be less if firms were positive about the future and would thus expect to offset any, if not outright losses but smaller returns on labour than they would during downtimes?

John Terry's Mum

What exactly is a numptie? (I don't use google).

Frank Little

May I respectfully suggest that John Terry's Mum buys Chambers? "numpty (scot.) an idiot".

chris c

Thanks for being the rare economist that doesn't blame youth unemployment on minimum wage rates...

...you could have tried a bit harder, though. ;)

Innocent Abroad

So if approximately two-thirds of 16-17 year olds who are not in full time education aren't in work either this would suggest that up to 12% or about one eighth of the notional workforce are in effect unemployable.

Be interesting to have this group broken down by gender and ethnicity...


It's just too depressing for words.

bulk lots

Here in the philippines the minimum wage is not enough for a single person. that's too bad for us here. I can barely manage my account.


The graph is quite clear - it's flat at 65% until about 1998, where it turns over and falls at 2% per year thereafter. The plummet over the last year or so is clearly recession-induced, and irrelevant to the long-term behaviour.

Your factors are likely to be leading contenders. I am somewhat struck by the similarity between the time that the curve bends over and the election of a Labour government. Maybe a change in benefits policy (or perception of benefits policy, which is probably more important) is a factor, too.


I think that it is just a right wage for their age though they are still young but if they have finished a college degree or are still in school, they should have no problem in asking for a higher salary in the jobs they are in.

دار التميمي حمد

I think that it is just a right wage for their age though they are still young but if they have finished a college degree or are still in school, they should have no problem in asking for a higher salary in the jobs they are in.

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