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May 29, 2010



Hmm. How many dossers in squats go on to have multi-million selling albums then? 50%? 10%? 1%? Or one in 1000?

Boy George's dad may have been wrong, but how many parents have been right in similar circumstances?


I though it was obvious that I was using that as a concrete illustration of a more general principle - that youngsters who appear to be drifting are very often just finding out what they want to do. For example, my mum wasn't happy about me doing a masters degree, although it proved to be the route to a high-paying job.

Luis Enrique

That's true Chris, but isn't Jim right to ask what happens on average? In geek speak: the relationship between motivation, ignorance and outcomes is going to have a lot of variance and it does look a bit like you're telling a story that describes one part of the distribution.


@Luis - but if you're going to be informationally complete then you need to factor in the costs of failure. Once that is done, the case for high motivation policies in banking (as an example) is clearly exploded.

Fred Kapoor

"...many of our most important goals are best achieved obliquely rather than directly..." Honestly, I don't think this is always the case. It is true though, that sometimes, while we are completely focused on a single goal, we make a lot of mistakes due to anxiety and due to the other aspects, that are being neglected when we are focused on a single aspect. However, when it comes to business both focus and motivation are the key to achieve goals. Otherwise, we are talking about luck, and that is another subject.
Thanks for sharing this worth reading post.

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