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September 13, 2010


Tom Addison

A manager at where I work once (unknowingly) implied something similar. Her view was that new starters who exhibit a high level of confidence will be deemed to be better than another individual who achieves exactly the same results whilst exhibiting less confidence along the way.

So basically act like you know what you're on about when really you don't have a bloody clue.


This explains a lot about the adage about women (who typically give off lower signals of confidence than men) having to do twice as well as men to be thought half as good.


In a real company sticking with the certain 3% payback will lead at best to a takeover. Essential to take on the risky jobs now and then - it sharpens everyone up and makes the company shine - and attract more investment. Only an economist would believe the true payback matrix is 98/5/2 - in the real world the boss can kick ass, inspire people, hire in specialists, cheat and lie. Only dullards want to work for a plodding boss and inspirational bosses pay better - but you have to keep an eye on them and jump ship when you see the mask slip.


I've always worried about people who "know" they are right - whether in the workplace or the wider world. Not surprising there are so many examples of people who either don't evaluate outcomes, or, worse still, convince themselves that a result which was clearly a disaster in the eyes of others was really a resounding success.

Michael St George

So - in other words, bullshit really does baffle brains. Good to see it confirmed

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