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November 24, 2010


Luis Enrique

does this just reduce to "people don't like admitting they're wrong?" with added "especially politicians"

Brian Robinson

Is it that politicians don't like admitting they're wrong even to themselves?


Slightly off topic but I'm puzzled why people are so surprised when the Lib Dems do something that contradicts their pre-election positions.

How can it be otherwise in coalition? So we all knew this would be the state of affairs as soon as the coalition happened.

If the Lib Dems agreed with 100% Conservative policy before the election they would have been Conservatives.


What's worse, is that Clegg's been trying to rationalise his decision/deal with his cognitive dissonance by repeatedly attempting to elevate to a 'progressive' political philosophy. And repeatedly failing to convince every time.


Is it an acceptable explanation to say "at least I am honest about my dishonesty"?


Cognitive dissonance is essentially about saying one thing while believing another. As Chris explains so well, it allows people to say or do things they know are wrong/rubbish while simultaneously and subsequently retaining a firm sense of their own rightness/goodness/integrity - or 'Doublespeak' as 'win:win'.


Are the following beliefs an example of cognitive dissonance?

Belief 1:
People believe that Politicians are good guys and are trying to do something to help them. However, when it comes to implementing promises they suffer from cognitive dissonance.
Belief 2:
People believe that politicians are lying bastards that say anything to get your vote.

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