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July 20, 2011


Howard Reed

A salutary post, Chris - it's amazing that with all the technology available at the fingertips of those running the media, they seem unable to focus on more than one story at a time. And it's a huge problem in fact, because it means bad news gets buried so often...

By the way I just wanted to say - fantastic blog.


While I agree with this post, you seem to be disagreeing with one of your own general themes here Chris. Are you saying that any of the people who could be doing things about this aren't doing so because they're moaning about Murdoch?


@ Howard - thanks.
@ Paul - I wasn't making any such big claim, just saying that if the TV and radio news consists of 20-25 mins of hackgate, there's not much time or audience attention left for other matters.

gastro george

Cutting public expenditure leads to reduced demand leads to stagnation/depression. Who would've thought it?

Mr Jelly

"The political-media establishment’s obsession with News International is distracting us from a worrying fact - that our economic prospects are deteriorating."

No. It. Isn't.

Wot Paulie said.

John H

Maybe it's no bad thing if attention is distracted from the world economy. There's not very much we can do about it (in contrast, perhaps, to Hackgate), and the resulting powerlessness and passivity plays into the government's hands.

But if you're right that this is a bad time to be tightening fiscal policy, at what point do you think this will be made apparent to Osborne in the only language he acknowledges - that of the markets? Up to now his trump card has been that the markets are supporting (and, indeed, demanding) the government's current course. Is that likely to change, and if so, when?

Rob Marchant

Chris, I posted yesterday and today on a similar theme: while hackgate is diverting everyone, Europe is burning.



Tightening fiscal policy may actually be the right answer, because UK govt spending has grown steadily during the New Labor years and is likely excessive. Yes, it's "contractionary", but that's why the Bank of England should offset the contraction with QE. Here's hoping they don't get cold feet--they've actually been a bit too lax on the inflation front for some time.


Let's not forget that the Murdoch media's influence on politics here & in the US is responsible for a whole lot of the destructive neo-con ideologies taking root in economic policy. Murdoch loved Brown, even said so in the select committee hearing, because Brown fell into line with his beliefs about the banks. The two issues are not so separate: bringing the media into line might help us have sensible economic policies

The govt are also using the scandal to hide the push on it's in ideological agenda -Osborne's famous 'there is no plan b' approach.

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