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May 28, 2013



Just the sort of trends that one would expect to lead to a more extreme right wing reaction than anything else.
A well educated subset of the population who have the tendency to regard themselves as capitalist or supporters of capitalism, who at the same time feels disdain for the proles and unemployed, is more likely to move to the right politically than the poorest subset of the populace ever would. UKIP and their 'flat tax' and migration phobia is just what their doctor ordered. Wasn't it the middle classes who suffered disproportionately in the thirties who supported Hitler's rise to power more than either the working classes or the industrialist class?


Worth noting that away from the realms of the very rich, we are richer than 1993 in very uneven ways. Food costs more, housing costs more, energy prices are on the up & with it, travel costs.

Consumer electronics cost less. You can argue that computers and the internet have brought a rise in the quality of life. Other consumer manufactured goods cost less.

In a boom all this works out - but in a recession, with essentials costing more, the declining prices of non-essentials looks less valuable...


Have a look at the Resolution Foundation Commission on Living Standards which is great on this, and chilling.


I was just about to make the point MEtatone has, that house costs and the like have greatly increased. This puts an even greater squeeze on the middle, and we can also see the effects on the poor as they are exported from parts of London with poor social housing to other areas, cutting their social networks.
Has nobody looked at how living costs have changed and linked that to income?

George Carty

Actually, the Nazis were supported not just by the lower-middle classes (who were motivated by bigotry), but also by the peasantry (who were motivated by hunger for more land).

The Nazis held an annual harvest festival at the Bückeberg (near Hameln) which had an even bigger attendance than the more famous Nuremberg Rallies. They also helped the peasantry by fixing food prices artificially high, with the result that urban workers under the Nazis had to spend almost half of their entire income on food.


We should be careful not to confuse median-income deciles and the middle class.

Job polarisation tends to disproportionately affect well-paid clerical and skilled manual roles (often filled by the self-identifying working class) through automation and globalisation, but it also tends to cause managerial and pseudo-professional or pseudo-technical roles to proliferate. There is a distinct class bias at work.

john malpas

Like it or not the people with fire in their belly will prevail. The bigots , the fanatics , the giants and the cuning will leave you all for dead.
A desparate desire for equality is the hope of the suplicants.

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