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September 14, 2013



I think that union-phobia crossed over into being open people-hatred quite a while ago.

Whether or not people-hatred is a vote winner, well... I'm not so sure that it isn't.


Not sure the so-called winter of discontent is such a distant memory as you suggest.

By the time of the next general election (2015), about 37 years will have elapsed. The oldest first time voters at the 1979 general election will be about 59 (36 + 23) at the next general election.

So many male members of this cohort will not have retired yet. Also, the massive pensioner vote will remember, including younger pensioners. Many OAPs will have benefited from full employment brought about by the post-war Keynesian consensus and may have little sympathy for the current generation's job insecurity and low wages.

So I think it is fairly safe to say that there is still much advantage for the Tories to use the trade union bogey-man threat to scare that substantial segment of the electorate into voting Tory.

I conclude that it will be some time before the winter of discontent is expunged from the electorate's memory.


The other one which has traction amongst many who were born during or later than the winter of disconetent, and appears longer lasting, is that unions protect people who are bad or useless at work.

Conmbating this is usuallly difficult, as the person arguing it usually has some personal anecdote about how unions made it hard to sack someone who should have been sacked.

David Friedman

How do you distinguish between "folk memory that is no longer useful" and learning from history? I'm thinking in particular about your German example. The policies of political parties change over time, but the underlying economic and political factors that make hyperinflation possible, so far as I can tell, don't. As per Zimbabwe quite recently.


I saw "I'm Alright Jack" on Friday. It reminded me of both my managers and my union. That is ironically why an overtly union backed labour manifesto will be roundly rejected at the ballot box.


I am not clear who you are interested in here Tories, or the mass electorate?

Tories have never liked unions but have differed about how to express their hostility.

Many voters just decided they did not really need unions any more. The role of the 1978-9 strikes is exaggerated. It is more likely that a large body of workers felt that thatcherite policy was better for their living standards. Thatcher after all gave up on wage restraint and cut income tax. The politics of selfishness. Add in the right to buy and I'm all right jack.


"There'll be voters at the next election whose parents weren't born in the winter of discontent. "

Anyone born in (say) April 1979 would be 36 at the next election, so they'd need to have had a child on or before their 18th birthday. Strictly true - there will be *some* people who qualify.

"many first-time voters in the 1979 election are now retired. "

At the age of 56 (max)? Only if they went into the City or the police force.


«Many voters just decided they did not really need unions any more. [ ... ] large body of workers felt that thatcherite policy was better for their living standards [ ... ] Add in the right to buy and I'm all right jack.»

Of course I agree having written many times before that tory voters (which can be New Labour or Tory or LibDem voters) have consistently voted for lower wages and higher asset prices for 30 years now.

The usual numbers support his:

«In 2001, the average price of a house was £121,769 and the average salary was £16,557, according to the National Housing Federation. A decade on, the typical price of a property is 94% higher at £236,518, while average wages are up 29% to £21,330»

This means that in those 10 years landlords of average UK 2 up 2 down terrace houses (in the South East...) have enjoyed (usually tax-free) capital gains of around £12,000 per year, nearly doubling their £14,000 after-tax average earnings.

The average income tory voters think that is better than any union ever did for them, and that everybody else's wages are a drain on their living standards.

«The politics of selfishness.»

Put another way it is the politics of rentier interests. Or the politics of "f*ck you, I got mine".

As to this the Economist reports:


The Economist in the 1970s wrote that a conservative think-tank had figured out that voters who owned houses, cars or shares voted sharply more to the right than those who rented, used public transport or had saving accounts, even given the same class or level of income.

Thatcher, Reagan, and their followers in other anglo-american culture countries delivered very effective social engineering policies accordingly.

In the UK they had the major electoral effect that the South-East average-income and middle-class voters fancied themselves that they had joined the lower upper class and swung to voting tory and for lower wages and higher asset prices.

All funded by Scottish oil. My usual link to the article in which Blair in 1987 speak truth to power:



My only quibble with Blissex would be that during the first term of thatcher employed workers had rising real incomes and in certain respects such as the introduction of Disability Living Allowance the Conservative Governments of Thatcher spread the proceeds of oil widely enough to mollify opposition.

Todays Government and opposition are in various respects worse than Thatcher as they see no need to mollify the disadvantaged in their rush to enrich the rentiers of suburbia.


I'm reminded of a colleague who was at risk of redundancy, who was redeployed into another internal role thanks to a union intervention, but who then left the union shortly afterwards as unions were "old-fashioned". The concept of solidarity and gratitude appears to be lost on some people. (This person was pre-school in Winter 78)


"Stronger collective bargaining which causes a shift from profits to wages might well be a good macroeconomic strategy."

I think that's true, but doesn't necessarily mean that the Tories hostility to unions is a 'folk memory which is no longer useful'.

As a party, they depend heavily on donations from the recipients of profits, who are likely to disagree violently with the concept of shifting from profits to wages (as they would; they are duty-bound to their shareholders), and therefore be extremely hostile to unions.


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