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October 24, 2013



There are bosses and there are bosses.

On the one hand there are the sort of rent seeking parasites that infest the management of large companies and public sector at the top levels, people who play with other peoples money and expect to be treated like entrepreneurs, often providing little or no value and recieving huge rewards for things that are outside of their control.

From my own point of view as the boss/owner of a long running SME if the company goes bust my employees would obviously lose there jobs, hopefully, (being a very skilled and useful lot) they would be able to get new ones without too much trouble. They would obviously walk way from the firm without the debts of the firm following them. I'm not trying to trivialise how difficult unemployment is and can be (I've been there myself) but the risks for an owner are often as high or higher.

I would not get redundancy and even if I was able to get another job immediately would still likely go bankrupt and lose my house, savings and everything I have worked for for 20 plus years. I appreciate that's not the same for everyone but it certainly sharpens the wits when it comes to taking risks with the future of the firm.


Good on Rosscoe. My admiration goes to the entrepreneur who does take a risk (of financial ruin) - they sit at the peak of the risk curve and not all that high up the reward curve. As an employee I was happy with low risk (of great riches) and there are farm workers, miners and fisherpersons who seem higher up the risk (of getting killed) curve and lower down the reward curve. But as Rosscoe puts it - there are bosses and there are bosses.

However the question is just how many biz school grads make it to a plummy number? Is it 1 in a 1000, 1 in a 100 or 1 in 10? For therein lies the risk (of great or modest riches) - to be a winner or an also-ran.


Rosscoe, Chris and his mates save their criticism almost exclusively for CEO's and big business which are easy targets, hard-working small business owners like yourself don't seem to come into it which makes we wonder if they really are criticising Capitalism/market economies, or something else.


The greater good? 95% of the income gains since 2009 went to the 1%. http://www.businessinsider.com/95-of-income-gains-since-2009-went-to-the-top-1-heres-what-that-really-means-2013-9

Our new masters are hardly heroic leaders. They are self serving and short sighted. Any thing else they say is a sop to the masses. And perhaps themselves.

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