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March 28, 2014



The halfway point on a scale with the perfect human being on one end and Piers Morgan on the other is probably still in bellend territory.

Luis Enrique

Hedonic adaption, and/or Bayesian updating about unknown qualities


Chris, you neglect the opportunity cost of Steve Jobs, which is less conspicuous on account of it not having actually happened.

Without Jobs, someone else would have led Apple's work on handheld consumer electronics. In different ways, maybe in a different order, and maybe in better ways - we don't know.

Secondly, if Jobs had retired to Rutland, perhaps Rutland would have half-decent mobile internet connectivity.


>> This is because Piers Morgan scores infinity on the bellendomoter, and infinity divided by n equals infinity.

Only if the infinite quantity grows faster than n.


>> This is because Piers Morgan scores infinity on the bellendomoter, and infinity divided by n equals infinity.

Only if the infinite quantity grows faster than n.<<

This is Piers Morgan we're talking about. Of course it does.


Why would a self-confessed leftie take pride in watching an expensively assembled team dismantling less expensively assembled teams.

I would almost liken somebody who supports Arsenal and feels they have the right to glory in their clubs achievements to somebody who went to Oxford and got into wealth management due to family connections.

Why don't you support a real football club Chris, if it is really football you are interested in.

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