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July 15, 2014


Dave Timoney

Given the ample evidence of Cameron and Osborne's prior contempt for IDS's intellectual and managerial abilities, I don't think this can be explained by any theory that rests upon their delusion.

More likely is that IDS remains in post because he is, in their eyes, a success. Perhaps we've just misunderstood that the brief was to knacker the benefits system so that claimants increasingly give up, while shovelling large amounts of public money to favoured suppliers.

He's certainly done a good job in proving the incompetence of the state in managing services.

Phil Beesley

"Given the ample evidence of Cameron and Osborne's prior contempt for IDS's intellectual and managerial abilities..."

I follow the argument. If IDS was a government duck, he resided there for donkey's years. Why? If he was incompetent, why did he continue in the job?

Thornton Hall

Number 6 describes the econoblogosphere to a t.

Thornton Hall

I meant number 7!


Brilliant and accurate! Especially 8.


It's surely the brown envelope of incrimination information in IDS's safe?


It's surely the brown envelope of incrimination information in IDS's safe?

Or the "dirt book"


Surprised this doesn't mention the Peter Principle: incompetents stay in their jobs because if they were competent they would have been promoted.


How easy is it to get reliable feedback from successful Minister-ing anyway?

In the private sector, there are easily measurable financial results, but I'm not sure if there are any in the Government.

The voters get to give feedback - but all Gov't services are bundled together so there's little chance of judging specific policies or Departments.

A lot of the feedback comes from the press, which is all tribalism, prejudice etc and very rarely can judge on the technical success of this policy or that outside of the quality press and certain blogs.




He's a right-y. That seems to be complexion of the cabinet now.


The first-rate hire the first-rate but the second-rate hire the third-rate.

An Alien Visitor

"incompetents stay in their jobs because if they were competent they would have been promoted."

There is another argument that says only the incompetents get promoted precisely because they are no good at their job!


Incompetent at what? Often what we want is not results, but rather something like feel-goodness. Some are good at providing that, irrespective of their job description.

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