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July 07, 2016


Luis Enrique


Hilary Richards

I think in the case of the Iraq it was a case of Bush and Blair convincing themselves it was something they wanted to do and then since they were at the top of the power structure other politicians and most of the media seeing themselves as enablers of that decision ignoring truth and rationality.

The phrase 'perception is reality' has been around a long time and it gives politicians and the media the illusion that whatever they say becomes reality. Thus we had the austerity narrative which fooled the public and convinced Labour they could not oppose it despite the fact it was a rank bad policy and therefore going to have bad real world consequences which they could have taken advantage of. Labour was in such a disarray on the economy that Osborne threw in the enormous fib that their lax spending had caused the crash. Their response was so meek that certain Labour politicians ended up considering apologising for something that had never happened. This would never have happened I think without Labour too believing in the 'created reality' myth.

My response to all this nonsense is generally a curt 'reality bites back' but politicians and the media are also incredibly short-termist and may feel that any downsides of constructing complete myths may end up as someone else's problem.

Dave Timoney

"Politicians are selected for overconfidence". True, but there are significant differences between countries, reflecting history and national self-image. For example, pessimism is always admired in a Russian politician.

Blair is part of an establishment obsessed with the UK "punching above its weight". Ironically, what will finally put us in our place (and end the delusion of the special relationship with the US) is not Chilcot but Brexit.

Ariel Ledesma Becerra

I see an analogy with a Market too... Market Garden Operation, to be precise.


«a case of Bush and Blair convincing themselves it was something they wanted to do»

Not quite, I think: there are quite a few reliable reports (quotes from GW Bush, from B Cheney, etc.) that a large part of the USA elites were just waiting for an excuse to smash Iraq, for various reasons:

* Most importantly to please Israeli interests. S Hussein had launched missiles at Israel during Gulf War #1 and this had to have fatal consequences.

* To show that if you don't align with USA interests you get destroyed. This *worked*: the immediate result was that M Ghaddafi etc. bent over rather suddenly and quickly. Surely Iraq did not have a WMD programme, but Lybia did, and immediately destroyed it. To no avail, as M Ghaddafi and others were still smashed at the earliest opportunity.

Also I think that part of the story was to ensure that a large oil producer was taken off the market for a long time.

As to A Blair, I think that he could not care less about Iraq one way or another. But as some history people say, the very harsh lesson that the USA taught the UK and France at Suez in 1956 resulted in the same analysis but completely different conclusions in the two countries: both realized that the USA elites would always do whatever they wanted and would ignore the interests of their partners, but the french elites concluded that therefore you cannot deal with the USA, the english elites that you must go along with whatever the USA does, and occasionally the USA will throw them some precious crumbs off their table, like during the Falkands war.

My conclusion that seems absurd is that A Blair, in getting the UK complicit in whatever the USA elites decided was in their interest, participated in a great crime as an act of (misguided) patriotism. Anyhow, he has surely been hugely rewarded for that (see Kuwaiti contracts etc.)


«but the french elites concluded that therefore you cannot deal with the USA,»

So they did not participate in the:


Note the countries that supported the invasion were the USA, UK, Australia and Poland, that all had a version of H Guofeng's "two whatevers":

"We will resolutely uphold whatever policy decisions Chairmain Dubya made, and unswervingly follow whatever instructions Chairman Dubya gave".



For Blair there was no mistake he has done well out of the death toll. Bought and paid for like the leaders of the chicken coup.

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