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February 21, 2017


Harry Dowling

Oh dear, oh dear. The left has the wrong sort of people. Dissolve them, and elect another.


I don't really understand what you mean by worker democracy. Is the German model of workers on company boards enough? What voting rights would they get?

We already have cooperatives and mutual societies as far as I know and they have not been particularly successful recently. I am not saying they are not useful organization types, but I just wonder what concrete steps you'd take to make them more popular.

Simply moving voting rights from shareholders to employees wouldn't really work I think. It's just a disguised wealth tax that benefits current workers (vs the young, the elderly and the unemployed)...


"We already have cooperatives and mutual societies as far as I know and they have not been particularly successful recently."

We also have professional partnerships, which have (on the whole) done pretty well, albeit they have employees as well. The only two law firms I know of that took on wholly external owners both went bust.

Iain Coleman

"For me, the big, great idea of the left is the desire to empower working people. But this runs into the problem: how can we claim to want to empower people and yet say that the people were flat wrong on an issue where they were empowered?"

The majority of working people voted Remain.

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