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August 22, 2017


Luis Enrique

"Many, however, fail to appreciate that ...."

I would be surprised if when asked to explain the vote for Brexit, most (left) centrists did not cite the financial crises, austerity, globalisation etc.

I am not sure when "actually existing capitalism is in need of major reforms" becomes "we need an alternative to capitalism"


«capitalism has done wonders to create prosperity, and in doing so has created real freedom and civilized values.»

That's the usual propagandistic confusion between "capitalism", a 19th century political system and its descendants, and "the industrial mode of production as boosted by very cheap mineral fuels", which has delivered prosperity also under rather unfree and uncivilized political regimes.



Important word in the brackets, there. And do the austerity supporting left centerists really admit it was austerity wot done it?


Luis, for me one of the ways "actually existing capitalism is in need of major reforms" becomes "we need an alternative to capitalism" is that existing capitalism has seemed to go in the 'wrong' (i.e. socially reprehensible) direction since the crisis. This fits what Chris has said before about cuddly capitalism being unlikely/unsustainable because it is against the predominant power relations created by capitalism.

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