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October 28, 2017



And did you hear the interview of Shona Robison by Hayley Miller on Radio Scotland's morning news programme near the start of this week? It was disgraceful: Ms Miller's sneering tone and constant interruptions made it a very difficult listen.
Other politicians are allowed to talk uninterrupted and are treated with respect.

Ralph Musgrave

Like the the "economically literate" are regarded as outsiders by the elite according to Chris. As an illustration, Positive Money has been trying for years to get it into the thick heads of MPs that the vast majority of money in circulation is created / printed by private banks, not government or the Bank of England. A large majority of those Westminster based dim-wits still don't understand the point. God help anyone trying to get a more complicated point into their heads.



I think most people can get this point; what's more difficult is it's relevance. Could you enlighten me?

gastro george

Montague's quote in the middle of the "banter" is interesting:

"I think you've got something else to say there Michael"

This implies that the exchange was rehearsed, and therefore passed by the producer.


"This, though, is not just unbalanced, but also a way of excluding and alienating outsiders – not just women (that rape “gag”) but also the working class, minorities and, we might add, the economically literate."

I you class the economic literate as those who understand and use the standard Sticky Price Rational Expectations Optimisation Model, I think you would find they do very nicely out of the current system.

Bill Posters

The problem here is the BBC must above all entertain.

See Amusing Ourselves to Death: Public Discourse in the Age of Show Business (1985) Neil Postman.

The internet has made things worse we now live in the age of trivia.

Expecting BBC journalists to operate to different standard than the rest of the media is unrealistic. An individual jurno must keep at least half an eye on the next step up the ladder which may be at ITV or SKY or a column in the Mail or Times. With economics correspondents its worse, from the BBC to JPMorgan or Bloomberg.

The particular episode of the Today program mentioned by the blogger was a special with a live audience the need to crack jokes all the more pressing.

This episode highlights the Labour party is operationally not ruthless enough. IMV Gove on the back benches is more trouble to May than in the cabinet. A coordinated effort by Labour to say now Gove is entangled in the Weinstein scandal he must resign could have worked.

A missed chance.


«Expecting BBC journalists to operate to different standard than the rest of the media is unrealistic.»

Well, technically there is a pretty big difference: the BBC is funded by the licence fees, not by the generosity of their publishers.

I must admire though the Conservatives for turning that to their advantage: IIRC some of them have been arguing that since the BBC is funded by license payer, and license payers in a majority elected a Conservative government, the BBC must democratically deliver what a majority of its license payers want them do deliver, instead of being biased against the opinions of a majority of its licence payers. Or else they should be deprived of the license. The BBC seems to have understood the message very clearly.

mike berry

It is not just a question of the BBC being funded by the license fee.

The BBC is under statutory duty to main impartiality and its own guidelines state that it seeks to'reflect all significant strands of opinion by exploring the range and conflict of views'

Does it do this?

We have carried out many studies including the one highlighted above and the findings consistently show that there are major imbalances in the range of sources and consequently the range of opinion that audiences are exposed to.


What were the falsehoods on Climate change? Genuinely interested to know. Surely the differences are on policy rather than on climate change? Does Marxism conflate the 2 in an unusually stupid way, even for a branch of political science that has consistently been wrong for 150 years?


"Today" is edited by Sarah Sands.

Sarah Sands is a friend of Boris Johnson.

Sarah Sands got the job of editing the Evening Standard after Boris Johnson put a word on for her.

Sarah Sands appointment as editor of "Today" "was seen as an attempt to redress any perceived liberal bias."

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