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August 14, 2024



A perfect essay, but the point is really that Labour governors really want to be Conservatives and are determined to have Conservative policy all through. What a terrible Conservative party Labour has become.


This is an excellent post - worth noting that the same people who despair at government debt above (choose your number)% of GDP will often recommend a household borrows 350 to 500% of their salary to buy a house.

One slight quibble. The marginal cost of government debt is not quite the same as the real gilt yield - were the state to borrow a few percent of GDP to nationalise utilities the increase in supply of gilts would affect the interest rate of all outstanding debt. Seems unlikely to be significant, but the relevant elasticities are interesting empirical questions.


One potential advantage of private finance/ownership - it's easier for them to do unpopular but necessary things because they don't need to worry about votes.

I do wonder sometimes if a hybrid model where you direct publicly owned companies to profit maximise could work.

Could result in "private" utility companies but with lower borrowing costs, lower exec costs, and dividends paid back to the people

Also would be good to compare with actual private utility companies. Say have some rail franchise or elec dnos publicly owned but otherwise operating as a private business and the rest private...

Kester Pembroke


I believe the mainstream theory government finances spending by tax, borrow or print is wrong. In the UK all government spending works by creating money and there are unlimited intraday overdrafts at the central bank borrowing happens at the end of the day. Money can’t leak abroad it is a swap/exchange, not a conversion. If there is no saving or pay back bank loans in the spending chain you will get all government spend back as tax. Similarly, if people spend from savings or take out bank loans and spend no saving or pay back bank loans get all that money back as tax too. Government spend at Tesco get some back as VAT (taxes as ‘cashback’), Tesco pays its employees another chunk taken by government in income tax and so forth.


Point 20 says:

“ensure that its position is balanced at the end of each day”

Also at diagram in bottom surplus/shortfall in consolidated fund.


Does the idea that "the restraint on public spending is real resources" cause many of us to want to rip our hair out too?

Was the "resources" link (to a 2022 entry by our blogger) closed before I had a chance to reply to Boyo's questions?

"1. How is it prices are arbitrary?
2. Can you explain how inflation is psychological?
3. What is full indexation?"

What if prices are arbitrary because there is a psychological factor that trumps standard economic model parameters such as supply and demand?

Consider Fischer Black writing in "Noise":

"All estimates of value are noisy, so we can never know how far away price is from value.

However, we might define an efficient market as one in which price is within a factor of 2 of value, i.e., the price is more than half of value and less than twice value. The factor of 2 is arbitrary, of course. Intuitively, though, it seems reasonable to me, in the light of sources of uncertainty about value and the strength of the forces tending to cause price to return to value. By this definition, I think almost all markets are efficient almost all of the time. “Almost all” means at least 90%."

Can you see how, if prices are noise, inflation is just noise upon noise, not any sort of signal of a real resource constraint?

Thus why isn't indexation the best answer to the psychological problem of inflation?

ChatGPT says: "Indexation in economics refers to the adjustment of wages, benefits, taxes, or other financial variables according to a predetermined index, typically an inflation index like the Consumer Price Index (CPI). Its primary goal is to maintain purchasing power by compensating for inflation or deflation."

Also see Stanley Fischer & Franco Modigliani, 1978, "Towards an understanding of the real effects and costs of inflation":

"There is no convincing account of the economic costs of inflation that justifies the typical belief - of the economist and the layman - that inflation poses a serious economic problem relative to unemployment. [...] We start by examining the real effects of anticipated inflation in an economy that has fully adapted to inflation. In particular, in this economy (1) public institutions are fully attuned to inflation (or inflation proof), (2) the same is true of private institutions, (3) current and future inflation is fully reflected in inherited contracts, and (4) future inflation is fully reflected in contracts for the future."

Terence Callachan

Thank you for writing this , i agree with what you say , i fear the Labour party have given up trying to reverse the madness imposed by the Conservative party and now try to cosy up to the same people and organisations that the Conservative party represent , do they do it in the hope that those people and organisations will let them issue some relief to the poorer folk in our society ? I dont think so , do they do it because the Labour party has been infiltrated by people who belong in the Conservative party ? Yes i think so , i would say this took place when true Labour politicians were ousted by these new pretend Labour politicians with the help of the english newspapers and the BBC and SKY accusing them of " antisemitism" , we dont hear much accusation of antisemitism now do we , the annihilation of arabs in Gaza by the israelis has driven those false accusations of antisemitism out of town.


Much to agree with, and thank you. But - off topic: are you sure about "bang right", and not getting confused with "bang to rights" ? The plain verb can of course be used for emphasis, &c. as in "it struck us bang on the stern" or "I want her to reply bang off", "Bang - went saxpence".But these notions of force or of immediate consequence do not seem to be what you mean. 'Bang' has also the sense of continued or repeated action, but that would not apply here, any more than a sudden loud noise or sudden excitement, a 'kick' does, and copulation seems unlikely. (I doubt that "left" or "right of bang" is a relevant parallel.)
Your nonce use seems more to lie in areas like 'bang on', 'bang opposite', meaning roughly "exactly": but it sounds odd when one could more conventionally say e.g. 'dead right'. But you could use the programmer's use of 'bang' to convey emphasis: !right!


OG PFIs were much more than just "central grant in aid vs project finance", usually being complex outsourcing contracts that involved operational functions far into the future. They tended to be design/build/transfer/operate if they weren't full on BPO, and much of the point was the supposed "risk transfer" which inherently involved a transfer of management. This was also largely what people didn't like about them.

Absent any funky twists like BPO or rights to refinance (a huge deal in original PFIs that was eventually got rid of), do you think there'd be much of a premium between e.g. a bond secured on tolls and guaranteed as a contingent liability and straight gilts? In those circumstances it just becomes a distinction between project-financing (remember that was the alternative to OG PFI!) and central grant in aid, and I am not sure anyone has much side about that.

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