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December 03, 2009



Can you compare productivity in British private schools compared to public schools.

In the US public(government) schools have weak productivity, but there is also no evidence that private(non government) schools
do any better. Moreover, private tuition in the US outside of church schools is much higher than expenditures per pupil in public ( state) schools.

No one, public or private seems able to improve on the age-old practice of a student at one end of a log and a teacher on the other end of the log.

Mike Mathea

The results are expected. All we have done is move from Blackboards and writing implements to fancy in class technology. We changed the method of passing on information from relatively low cost method to a high cost method.
To increase productivity the education of the students you still need to engage the students. I do not find on line students any more engaged that in class students.


Schools such as Oakham charge a fortune because they offer, and parents desire, things other than those necessary to provide a good education. State school as I experienced it was generally adequate to educate a motivated child but it was very dull and had poor facilities. I shall be sending my child to private school so that she can enjoy her time making use of the excelent facilities as well as receiving an adequate education.


"Schools such as Oakham charge a fortune because they offer, and parents desire, things other than those necessary to provide a good education" ... primarily, mixing with 'the right people'.

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